While Discover to Delivery is much focused on in our literature, I am wondering what value and possibilities we might find from Delivery to Discovery.
When searching Amazon, the end-user value of the reviews is significant, add to that the rating of the suppliers are also highly valued. What are some library or academic equivalents?
If reviews are useful, should we promote it in our tools and workflow?
How about adding an ILLiad customization to the email pickup notice that directs readers to write reviews... like
“Interested in writing a review on this material? Worldcat review: ht tp://www.worldcat.org/oclc/<#ESPNumber>?tab=reviews#tabs“
This could be similarly done as a post return email notice. (For an example of an actual worldcat review, click here: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/34617796?tab=reviews#tabs )
Some libraries add survey questions to the bookstraps they add to ILL books, or books ordered as Purchase on Demand - that's great too, but how can we make the rating part of the automated update process that loads ranking data upstream to the network?
The above is part of thinking about what questions do we want to ask our users, and how might they not only better inform our decisions, but aggregate and scale effectively. However, with that - it's time to call it a night. Bonsoir